Power Tools 1993 November - Disc 2
Power Tools Plus (Disc 2 of 2)(November 1993)(HP).iso
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Ford and Hewlett-Packard CIM Alliance
Thσ purposσ oµ thi≤ presentatioε i≤ t∩ givσ yo⌡ aε overvie≈ oµ thσ CI═ ì
alliancσ announceΣ b∙ ForΣ anΣ Hewlett-PackarΣ iε Augus⌠ 199░ -¡ wha⌠ i⌠ ì
is¼ wh∩ thσ player≤ are¼ anΣ ho≈ i⌠ works« Moreover¼ beforσ thi≤ sessioε ì
i≤ over¼ yo⌡ shoulΣ havσ ß sensσ oµ wha⌠ thσ alliancσ mean≤ t∩ yo⌡ anΣ ho≈ ì
you can participate.
PRESENTE╥ NOTE║ Thσ purposσ oµ thi≤ presentatioε i≤ t∩ givσ aε overvie≈ oµ ì
thσ CI═ alliancσ announceΣ b∙ ForΣ anΣ Hewlett-PackarΣ iε Augus⌠ 199░ -¡ ì
wha⌠ i⌠ is¼ wh∩ thσ player≤ are¼ anΣ ho≈ i⌠ works« Thσ presentatioε ha≤ ì
been designed for the following audiences:
1⌐ Existinτ anΣ potentia∞ customer≤ wh∩ havσ expresseΣ interes⌠ afte≥ ì
áááreading or hearing about the alliance.
2⌐ Large≥ customer≤ wh∩ migh⌠ als∩ benefi⌠ froφ thi≤ typσ oµ relationship« ì
áááI⌠ i≤ als∩ ß too∞ fo≥ enterinτ largσ account≤ wherσ wσ wan⌠ t∩ movσ thσ ì
ááárelationshi≡ forward« Thσ HP/FOR─ alliancσ i≤ aε impressivσ onσ anΣ ì
áááshows HP's commitment to the CIM marketplace.
3⌐ H╨ employee≤ wh∩ arσ interesteΣ iε learninτ morσ abou⌠ thσ relationshi≡ ì
áááand getting involved.
4) Third parties who are interested in leveraging this relationship.
The Press
Yo⌡ ma∙ havσ seeε somσ report≤ oε thσ Alliancσ iε thσ press¼ fo≥ example║ ì
"┴ CI═ alliancσ ha≤ beeε formeΣ betweeε Hewlett-PackarΣ anΣ thσ ForΣ ì
Automotivσ Component≤ Grou≡ (ACG).ó -¡ Automotivσ Electronic≤ Review¼ ì
September 1990
"...ForΣ anΣ H╨ wil∞ establisΦ wha⌠ the∙ arσ callinτ ß computer-integrateΣ ì
manufacturinτ alliance¼ whicΦ include≤ ß staginτ cente≥ witΦ thσ mos⌠ ì
up-to-datσ H╨ system≤ simulatinτ manufacturinτ processes¼ training¼ suppor⌠ ì
anΣ thσ developmen⌠ oµ ß technolog∙ plaε fo≥ Ford.ó -¡ ComputerWorld¼ ì
August 20, 1990
"Thσ assurancσ oµ sucΦ suppor⌠ wil∞ allo≈ ForΣ t∩ implemen⌠ plan⌠ floo≥ ì
system≤ project≤ iε phases¼ thu≤ strengtheninτ thσ automaker'≤ hanΣ iε ì
gettinτ thirΣ partie≤ t∩ develo≡ softwarσ application≤ t∩ consisten⌠ ì
technical standards." -- Managing Automation, October 1990
"...aε analys⌠ fo≥ thσ Automatioε ResearcΦ Grou≡ saiΣ thσ announcemen⌠ ì
show≤ tha⌠ H╨ i≤ ß stronge≥ vendo≥ fo≥ UNIX*-baseΣ manufacturinτ solution≤ ì
than IBM or Digital." -- The HP Chronicle, October 1990
AnΣ thσ peoplσ froφ ForΣ ma∙ havσ seeε report≤ oε thσ FC╬ New≤ (thei≥ vide∩ ì
news magazine).
*UNI╪ i≤ ß registereΣ trademarδ oµ AT&╘ iε thσ US┴ anΣ iε othe≥ countries« ì
CIM Alliance Vision
Withiε thσ contex⌠ oµ thσ relationship¼ thσ tw∩ companie≤ wil∞ collaboratσ ì
oε majo≥ computer-integrateΣ manufacturinτ (CIM⌐ anΣ information-technolog∙ ì
strategie≤ throughou⌠ thσ 1990s« Whilσ thσ alliancσ addresse≤ CIM¼ it≤ ì
scopσ i≤ mucΦ broader¼ encompassinτ topic≤ sucΦ a≤ busines≤ practice≤ anΣ ì
philosophies¼ humaε resources¼ anΣ competitivσ analysis« ForΣ anΣ H╨ havσ ì
identifieΣ advantage≤ t∩ botΦ corporation≤ iε developinτ ß closσ workinτ ì
relationshi≡ t∩ achievσ anΣ maintaiε best-in-clas≤ statu≤ iε manufacturing« ì
Thσ spiri⌠ anΣ philosoph∙ oµ thi≤ alliancσ i≤ t∩ remaiε dynamiπ anΣ ì
flexiblσ -¡ t∩ continuall∙ searcΦ ou⌠ ne≈ area≤ oµ alliancσ activit∙ anΣ ì
effor⌠ -¡ anΣ t∩ worδ t∩ thσ competitivσ advantagσ oµ botΦ companies« I⌠ ì
will endure as long as this spirit and philosophy are maintained.
ForΣ Automotivσ Component≤ Grou≡ (ACG⌐ Orτ Char⌠ ì
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ForΣ Moto≥ Company'≤ Automotivσ Component≤ Grou≡ (ACG⌐ encompasse≤ severa∞ ì
majo≥ ForΣ division≤ a⌠ ove≥ 3░ differen⌠ plan⌠ site≤ locateΣ throughou⌠ ì
thσ world« Product≤ includσ glass¼ climatσ control¼ electronic¼ ì
electrical¼ fue∞ handling¼ anΣ plastiπ component≤ anΣ systems« AC╟ ì
division≤ arσ supplier≤ t∩ Ford¼ bu⌠ the∙ als∩ d∩ substantia∞ busines≤ ì
outsidσ thσ paren⌠ company« WitΦ $1│ billioε iε revenue¼ AC╟ i≤ onσ oµ ì
Ford's few worldwide business units.
Hewlett-Packard Corporate Organization
Hewlett-PackarΣ Company¼ witΦ revenue≤ oµ $1▓ billion¼ i≤ aε internationa∞ ì
manufacture≥ oµ measuremen⌠ anΣ computatioε product≤ anΣ system≤ recognizeΣ ì
for quality and support.
ForΣ Automotivσ Component≤ Site≤ iε thσ America≤ ì
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FCA06.GA╠ ì
Ford Automotive Components Sites in Europe
Ford Automotive Components in Asia/Pacific
Thσ scopσ oµ thσ alliancσ i≤ worldwide« (NOTE║ Sho≈ map≤ a≤ appropriate║ ì
thσ Americas¼ Europe¼ anΣ Asia/Pacifiπ Rim.⌐ Poin⌠ ou⌠ tha⌠ whereve≥ therσ ì
is a Ford operation, there is local Hewlett-Packard support.
Ford ACG and HP Areas of Common Interest
Contributinτ t∩ H╨ anΣ Ford'≤ motivatioε t∩ worδ togethe≥ arσ area≤ oµ ì
commoε interes⌠ sucΦ a≤ busines≤ oε ß worldwidσ scale¼ aggressivσ planninτ ì
t∩ improvσ busines≤ stabilit∙ anΣ implemen⌠ continuou≤ proces≤ improvemen⌠ ì
programs¼ anΣ opeε system≤ t∩ reducσ busines≤ cyclσ times« Thσ tw∩ ì
organization≤ seσ technolog∙ a≤ makinτ aε importan⌠ contributioε toward≤ ì
reaching the business goals of the manufacturer.
ForΣ Automotivσ Component≤ Grou≡ Busines≤ Driver≤ ì
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FCA10.GA╠ ì
WitΦ o≥ withou⌠ aε alliance¼ ForΣ ha≤ busines≤ driver≤ tha⌠ influencσ anΣ ì
determinσ decisioε making« Thesσ busines≤ driver≤ includσ reducinτ thσ ì
concept-to-custome≥ (C-to-C⌐ time¼ improvinτ produc⌠ quality¼ developinτ ì
more efficient manufacturing processes, and reducing costs.
ForΣ Automotivσ Component≤ Grou≡ CI═ ApproacΦ ì
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FCA11.GA╠ ì
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Ford'≤ approacΦ t∩ CIM¼ influenceΣ t∩ ß largσ exten⌠ b∙ it≤ busines≤ ì
drivers¼ include≤ portablσ application≤ tha⌠ caε bσ replicated¼ modula≥ ì
application≤ tha⌠ caε grow¼ distributeΣ system≤ anΣ applications¼ plantwidσ ì
informatioε access¼ anΣ system≤ tha⌠ arσ integrateΣ thank≤ t∩ thσ usσ oµ ì
CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tools and data models.
ForΣ Automotivσ Component≤ Grou≡ Technolog∙ Area≤ ì
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FCA12.GA╠ ì
RepresenteΣ eithe≥ explicitl∙ o≥ implicitl∙ iε thσ conceptua∞ architecturσ ì
arσ element≤ oµ eacΦ oµ thesσ technolog∙ area≤ identifieΣ anΣ subscribeΣ t∩ ì
by Ford.
CIM Alliance Key Areas
NOTE║ Iµ yo⌡ arσ limiteΣ fo≥ timσ anΣ wisΦ t∩ g∩ int∩ les≤ detai∞ oε thσ ì
ke∙ areas¼ yo⌡ ma∙ prefe≥ t∩ replacσ al∞ o≥ somσ oµ slide≤ FCA1┤ througΦ ì
FCA21 with slide PCA13.
CIM Alliance Key Areas
ForΣ anΣ H╨ wil∞ maintaiε ß join⌠ CI═ Alliancσ Teaφ (CAT⌐ whicΦ wil∞ bσ ì
responsiblσ fo≥ thσ managemen⌠ oµ thσ alliancσ agreemen⌠ anΣ it≤ ì
activities« Thi≤ slidσ show≤ majo≥ activities« BotΦ H╨ anΣ ForΣ expec⌠ t∩ ì
derivσ significan⌠ valuσ froφ thi≤ relationship« Valuσ i≤ determined¼ iε ì
part¼ througΦ contribution≤ t∩ competitivσ positioninτ anΣ qualit∙ ì
improvement≤ a≤ wel∞ a≤ througΦ revie≈ oµ revenue¼ expense¼ anΣ cos⌠ ì
Business Practices
H╨ anΣ ForΣ wil∞ sharσ anΣ exchangσ informatioε oε busines≤ topic≤ oµ ì
mutual interest, specifically including topics outside of CIM:
------------------------------------¡ ì
Oε aε ongoinτ basis¼ H╨ wil∞ revie≈ witΦ ForΣ Purchasinτ thσ maste≥ ì
purchasinτ agreemen⌠ t∩ ensurσ tha⌠ ForΣ wil∞ receivσ thσ lowes⌠ price≤ ì
availablσ iε thσ commercia∞ secto≥ (consisten⌠ witΦ Ford'≤ volumσ oµ ì
purchases)« WitΦ AC╟ anΣ ForΣ Purchasing¼ H╨ wil∞ continuσ t∩ improvσ ì
purchasinτ systems¼ a≤ measured¼ iε part¼ b∙ reduction≤ iε thσ tota∞ ì
order-to-delivery time for HP products.
----------------------------------------¡ ì
H╨ anΣ ForΣ ACG¼ a≤ ß by-produc⌠ oµ join⌠ effort≤ oε system≤ architecturσ ì
(discusseΣ later)¼ wil∞ develo≡ anΣ maintain¼ witΦ ForΣ Purchasing¼ ß Q▒ ì
prograφ fo≥ thσ selectioε oµ CI═ alliancσ partner≤ anΣ supplier≤ fo≥ ForΣ ì
AC╟ plantfloo≥ systems« (Note║ Q▒ i≤ thσ namσ oµ Ford'≤ supplie≥ qualit∙ ì
ratinτ system¼ whicΦ measure≤ ß supplier'≤ abilit∙ t∩ compl∙ consistentl∙ ì
witΦ ForΣ requirement≤ anΣ assesse≤ ß supplier'≤ commitmen⌠ t∩ continuou≤ ì
------------------¡ ì
Thσ CI═ alliancσ wil∞ providσ aε environmen⌠ anΣ mode∞ fo≥ thσ pursui⌠ oµ ì
informatioε anΣ thσ establishmen⌠ oµ busines≤ relationship≤ regardinτ ì
in-house technology, manufacturing capability, and business practices.
------------------¡ ì
H╨ wil∞ establisΦ aε on-goinτ serie≤ oµ Executivσ Exchange≤ t∩ addres≤ ì
topic≤ oµ mutua∞ interest¼ e.g.¼ ß roundtablσ oε ne≈ computinτ technologie≤ ì
anΣ thei≥ impac⌠ oε busines≤ processe≤ anΣ practices« Othe≥ potentia∞ ì
topic≤ includσ time-baseΣ competition¼ thσ rolσ oµ computer≤ anΣ ì
informatioε system≤ iε establishinτ anΣ maintaininτ ß competitivσ ì
advantage¼ anΣ al∞ aspect≤ oµ humaε resource≤ includinτ traininτ anΣ ì
staffing« ForΣ anΣ H╨ executive≤ wil∞ participatσ iε join⌠ visit≤ t∩ ì
"leading edge" plants that utilize computers in manufacturing.
-----------------------¡ ì
Thi≤ sharinτ oµ informatioε wil∞ als∩ appl∙ t∩ identifyinτ thσ "statσ oµ ì
thσ artó witΦ regarΣ t∩ thσ applicatioε oµ CIM« Iε addition¼ H╨ anΣ ForΣ ì
wil∞ jointl∙ identif∙ thσ industr∙ trend≤ anΣ characteristic≤ fo≥ ß world¡ ì
class¼ best-in-clas≤ supplie≥ iε commoε marke⌠ areas¼ likσ electronics¼ ì
wherσ botΦ H╨ anΣ ForΣ AC╟ arσ workinτ t∩ maintaiε position≤ a≤ ì
best-in-class suppliers.
Technology Planning
H╨ wil∞ participatσ iε thσ on-goinτ developmen⌠ oµ Ford'≤ Technolog∙ Plaε ì
includinτ thσ System≤ Architecture¼ Datß Model¼ anΣ Wirinτ Diagram« H╨ ì
expert≤ wil∞ regularl∙ revie≈ anΣ commen⌠ oε ForΣ ACG'≤ Technolog∙ Planninτ ì
activities« Thσ Technolog∙ Planninτ effor⌠ wil∞ involvσ H╨ personne∞ iε ì
Detroit and experts from HP's California organizations.
----------------------------¡ ì
H╨ exper⌠ personne∞ wil∞ assis⌠ ForΣ iε developinτ forma∞ specification≤ ì
fo≥ compute≥ languages¼ networks¼ operatinτ systems¼ use≥ anΣ application≤ ì
interface≤ pu⌠ fortΦ b∙ thσ X/Opeε Grou≡ througΦ thσ Opeε System≤ ì
Foundatioε (OSF⌐ alonτ witΦ thσ appropriatσ dσ fact∩ standard≤ t∩ achievσ ì
connectivit∙ witΦ IBM« H╨ wil∞ continuσ t∩ providσ informatioε oε projec⌠ ì
plan≤ anΣ program≤ t∩ maintaiε compliancσ witΦ standards¼ includinτ ì
information on the number of assigned people, timing, etc.
-------------------¡ ì
Ford¼ witΦ thσ technica∞ assistancσ oµ H╨ wil∞ develo≡ anΣ maintaiε thσ ì
ForΣ system≤ architecture« Thi≤ effor⌠ include≤ thσ establishmen⌠ oµ aε ì
application≤ architecturσ tha⌠ identifie≤ thσ majo≥ requireΣ application≤ ì
anΣ thei≥ functionality« I⌠ incorporate≤ open¼ non-proprietar∙ interfacσ ì
spec≤ betweeε application≤ designeΣ t∩ providσ fo≥ thσ integratioε anΣ ì
interoperability of the most suitable third- party offerings available.
---------¡ ì
Par⌠ oµ thσ interrelationship≤ oµ thσ functionalitie≤ i≤ defineΣ b∙ ß ì
consistent¼ globa∞ mode∞ fo≥ informatioε t∩ bσ shareΣ amonτ functions« ┴ ì
commoε ForΣ datß mode∞ i≤ initiall∙ focuseΣ withiε thσ fou≥ wall≤ oµ thσ ì
plant and includes the major interfaces from and to the Ford plant.
-------------¡ ì
Finally¼ thσ computerizeΣ portion≤ oµ thσ architecturσ caε bσ representeΣ ì
b∙ ß wirinτ diagram« Thi≤ endeavo≥ position≤ thσ ke∙ technolog∙ element≤ ì
-¡ CPU¼ operatinτ system¼ database¼ networks¼ user¼ application≤ -¡ int∩ ß ì
workinτ hardware/softwarσ architecture« H╨ wil∞ participatσ iε thσ ì
selectioε oµ thσ technolog∙ element≤ withiε thσ fou≥ wall≤ oµ thσ plant« ì
H╨ wil∞ continuσ t∩ characterizσ thσ performancσ oµ thσ technolog∙ ì
architecturσ througΦ test≤ a⌠ thσ Manufacturinτ Developmen⌠ Center'≤ ì
Staginτ Facility¼ selecteΣ third-part∙ sites¼ anΣ a⌠ HP'≤ interna∞ tes⌠ ì
utilities« H╨ wil∞ providσ performancσ informatioε t∩ assis⌠ ForΣ iε ì
system sizings.
Technology Development and Deployment
HP¼ Ford¼ anΣ selecteΣ thirΣ partie≤ wil∞ participatσ iε thσ deploymen⌠ oµ ì
CIM Systems in Ford plants worldwide.
---------------------¡ ì
H╨ wil∞ assis⌠ witΦ identifieΣ ForΣ Divisiona∞ Initiative≤ anΣ participatσ ì
iε implementation≤ baseΣ oε thosσ Initiatives« H╨ participatioε iε thesσ ì
Initiative≤ ma∙ includσ assistancσ witΦ applicatioε selection¼ traininτ ì
development¼ anΣ launch« Examplσ Initiative≤ includσ Preventivσ ì
Maintenance, SPC/Quality Analysis, Application Enabler, and Data Model.
H╨ anΣ ForΣ wil∞ establisΦ anΣ maintaiε criteriß anΣ plan≤ fo≥ thσ ì
replacemen⌠ oµ olde≥ installeΣ equipmen⌠ anΣ system≤ witΦ newer¼ morσ ì
cost-effectivσ equipment« Thσ criteriß includσ sucΦ cos⌠ item≤ a≤ softwarσ ì
translation¼ initia∞ anΣ ongoinτ suppor⌠ anΣ operatinτ costs¼ anΣ ongoinτ ì
training costs, as well as time-based deployment metrics.
H╨ anΣ ForΣ wil∞ operatσ ß CI═ Staginτ Facilit∙ a⌠ Ford'≤ Manufacturinτ ì
Developmen⌠ Cente≥ iε Detroit« Thi≤ facilit∙ include≤ thσ lates⌠ H╨ ì
equipmen⌠ t∩ emulatσ thσ "typicaló hardwarσ anΣ softwarσ environmen⌠ ì
planneΣ fo≥ ForΣ plants« ┴ ForΣ Staginτ Team¼ witΦ H╨ participation¼ wil∞ ì
providσ coordinatioε oµ thσ ForΣ Manufacturinτ Developmen⌠ Cente≥ ì
facilities and resources.
-------------------------------¡ ì
H╨ wil∞ regularl∙ sharσ long-horizoε informatioε oε H╨ produc⌠ strategie≤ ì
anΣ plans¼ providσ acces≤ t∩ facilitie≤ fo≥ revie≈ oµ futurσ products¼ anΣ ì
assis⌠ ForΣ iε integratinτ thesσ product≤ int∩ thσ Architecture« ForΣ wil∞ ì
regularl∙ providσ feedbacδ fo≥ consideratioε b∙ H╨ oε thσ suitabilit∙ oµ ì
HP's strategies, plans, and products to the Ford CIM ACG Architecture.
Utilizatioε oµ H╨ Product≤ anΣ CI═ Technologie≤ ì
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FCA18.GA╠ ì
Thσ ke∙ H╨ product≤ anΣ technologie≤ useΣ iε thσ pilo⌠ systeφ ì
implementations are shown on this slide.
Third Party Alliances
H╨ anΣ ForΣ wil∞ establisΦ alliance≤ witΦ third-part∙ vendor≤ oµ Ford'≤ ì
selection« Al∞ alliancσ partner≤ wil∞ compl∙ witΦ thσ criteriß outlineΣ ì
in the "Q1 Program for Selection of CIM Suppliers" and are subject to the
approva∞ oµ thσ CI═ Alliancσ Teaφ (CAT⌐ anΣ thσ ForΣ CI═ Steerinτ ì
Committee« H╨ wil∞ providσ suppor⌠ t∩ thesσ selecteΣ thirΣ partie≤ t∩ ì
expeditσ thσ availabilit∙ t∩ ForΣ oµ CI═ application≤ tha⌠ conforφ t∩ thσ ì
specifications of the Ford Technology Plan.
European Support
H╨ anΣ ForΣ wil∞ establisΦ ß strateg∙ fo≥ thσ suppor⌠ oµ plantfloo≥ system≤ ì
iε ForΣ Europeaε plant≤ includinτ ß Ford-specifiπ suppor⌠ anΣ servicσ plaε ì
witΦ identifieΣ resources/skill≤ fo≥ ForΣ AC╟ Europeaε plants« H╨ anΣ ForΣ ì
wil∞ develo≡ anΣ operatσ ß CI═ Staginτ Cente≥ iε Europσ modeleΣ afte≥ thσ ì
CIM Staging Facility at Ford's Manufacturing Development Center.
Human Resources
H╨ wil∞ participatσ witΦ ForΣ iε identifyinτ thσ ForΣ resource≤ requireΣ ì
fo≥ CIM« H╨ wil∞ participatσ iε thσ developmen⌠ anΣ annua∞ updatσ oµ thσ ì
Ford Human Resources Plan.
-------¡ ì
H╨ wil∞ evaluatσ thσ traininτ requirement≤ withiε ForΣ regardinτ H╨ ì
equipmen⌠ anΣ systems¼ consisten⌠ witΦ thσ migratioε t∩ thσ H╨ standard« ì
H╨ wil∞ proactivel∙ develo≡ anΣ maintaiε ß tota∞ ForΣ traininτ prograφ ì
designeΣ t∩ effectivel∙ mee⌠ Ford'≤ specifiπ needs¼ utilizinτ ì
innovative/creativσ traininτ classe≤ anΣ traininτ aid≤ tha⌠ addres≤ Ford'≤ ì
requirements« Thesσ program≤ wil∞ bσ offereΣ oε ß worldwidσ basi≤ s∩ tha⌠ ì
they will be available to Ford plants worldwide.
------¡ ì
H╨ anΣ ForΣ wil∞ evaluatσ thσ suppor⌠ requirement≤ withiε ForΣ regardinτ H╨ ì
equipmen⌠ anΣ systems¼ consisten⌠ witΦ thσ migratioε t∩ thσ H╨ standard« ì
H╨ wil∞ appl∙ it≤ intellec⌠ anΣ creativity¼ anΣ proactivel∙ develo≡ anΣ ì
maintaiε ß suppor⌠ prograφ designeΣ t∩ effectivel∙ mee⌠ Ford'≤ needs« Thi≤ ì
program will also be offered on a worldwide basis.
HP Ford CIM Alliance Benefits to HP
Thσ busines≤ potentia∞ fo≥ Hewlett-PackarΣ i≤ clearl∙ million≤ oµ dollar≤ ì
ove≥ severa∞ year≤ ($1╡ millioε ove≥ thσ nex⌠ threσ years⌐ witΦ ß gooΣ mi° ì
oµ standarΣ hardwarσ anΣ softwarσ a≤ wel∞ a≤ service≤ -¡ consulting¼ ì
training¼ anΣ support« Thi≤ alliancσ represent≤ ß ne≈ se⌠ oµ busines≤ ì
opportunitie≤ fo≥ thirΣ parties╗ therσ arσ ne≈ application≤ anΣ ne≈ ForΣ ì
site≤ tha⌠ havσ no⌠ beeε doinτ busines≤ witΦ HP« Theε therσ i≤ thσ ì
opportunit∙ t∩ takσ advantagσ oµ thσ intimatσ relationshi≡ witΦ ForΣ t∩ ì
develo≡ high-qualit∙ product≤ morσ quickly« Finall∙ thσ alliancσ give≤ u≤ ì
leverage with other customers similar to Ford.
Thσ Alliancσ -¡ Gettinτ InvolveΣ a≤ ß ThirΣ Part∙ ì
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FCA23.GA╠ ì
Iµ yo⌡ arσ iε Ford¼ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ furthe≥ informatioε o≥ wisΦ t∩ contributσ ì
aε ideß t∩ thσ alliance¼ o≥ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ participatσ iε thσ AC╟ CI═ ì
Program¼ yo⌡ shoulΣ contac⌠ you≥ Divisioε CI═ representativσ o≥ thσ AC╟ ì
Manufacturing Planning and Information Systems Office.
HP's Value-Added Business Program
┴ gooΣ firs⌠ ste≡ fo≥ ß thirΣ part∙ interesteΣ iε thσ H╨ ForΣ CI═ alliancσ ì
is to become part of the HP's Premier Solutions Provider (PSP) program.
Questions and Answers About the Alliance
A≤ thi≤ presentatioε i≤ giveε t∩ customer≤ anΣ interna∞ H╨ people¼ wσ ì
expec⌠ tha⌠ question≤ wil∞ comσ u≡ tha⌠ canno⌠ bσ answereΣ oε thσ spot« ì
Pleasσ contac⌠ Claudiß Devau° viß H╨ DES╦ iµ yo⌡ havσ sucΦ ß questioε tha⌠ ì
need≤ aε answer¼ anΣ shσ wil∞ makσ surσ tha⌠ ß repl∙ i≤ sen⌠ t∩ you« Wσ ì
wil∞ includσ thesσ question≤ anΣ answer≤ iε futurσ release≤ oµ thi≤ ì